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Led By Experts


a relationship and intimacy coach passionate about empowering women to reclaim their sensuality. After assisting a somatic sex coach, she pursued her certification as a sex coach and educator. Alyssa supports women in their journey from sexual shame to liberation, focusing on reclaiming body agency and embracing feminine energy by guiding individuals toward confidence through education and awareness. Set to obtain her AASECT certification this year, she's also a member of the National Coalition of Sexual Health.


We have curated a selection of movement experts to provide short, themed practices focusing on the profound link between movement and healing. We prioritize movements that signal safety to the nervous system, aiding in the release of tension and emotional distress while building confidence.
Beyond healing, movement can bring awareness and deep appreciation to our bodies so we may connect with our sensual selves and sink into our feminine energy.


a psychic medium with expertise in spiritual exploration, trained at The Arthur Findlay College in the UK. Saige guides a transformative journey, using rituals, spells, and practices to lead you to your divine feminine self. Join her on a path to feminine empowerment, where the mystical world of magick becomes a powerful tool to unlock your potential, achieve balance, and nurture your intuitive abilities.

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